FAQs - Website Domains
Find out more about website domains
What are domains?
A domain is the name (web address) of your website and will ideally be your business name i.e. if your business is called ‘ABC Supplies’ your web domain would be www.abcsupplies.com
I’ll check that your desired business name is available for your domain and should it not be available, give you the next best alternatives.
You have a non Wix website
You want to transfer your domain to Wix. Are they all transferrable?
Yes, you can transfer domains with the following extensions: .com, .org, .net, .biz, .info, .co, .tv, .guru, .email, .expert, .online, .photography, .pictures, .space, .rocks .tokyo, .xyz., .company, .club, .solutions, .today, .technology, .tips, .center, .directory, .ninja, .photos, .land, .agency, .gift, .holiday, .christmas, .shop, .art, and .mx.
Rebuild your website on Wix
Why might you want to rebuild your website?
Your website might be dated in content and images. Also, if the website is over 5 years old then it could probably benefit with a refresh to keep up with your competitors. Perhaps you wish to change from your current website provider. Wix is ideal as it gives stunning and flexible results. Keeping your existing domain name ensures it's a seamless user experience with your enhanced website built on Wix.
What will it cost to rebuild your website on Wix?
My pricing packages will give you an idea of the costs. Remember this is a great opportunity to enhance your website as I can revise content, add new layouts, improve your SEO, select sharp relevant images (that alone can transform a website) and completely update your website to engage new business. Send me your website address and details of what you would like and I can outline ideas and give you a quote.